If you are interested in adding a passive income stream to your online business then printable digital products are a great place to start. Printables are documents which people can print out at home (or a print shop) and use for various purposes. They are delivered as a digital downloadable file (pdf or jpeg are the most common formats). Thus saving the product creator the hassle (and cost) of stocking inventory and shipping out products. The digital delivery process also means you can automate product delivery and products can be bought and delivered at any time of the day without you having to lift a finger. The quintessential make money as you sleep concept.

Some popular examples of printables include planners, printable calendars, journals, greeting cards, printable art posters, invitations, coloring pages, kids activity worksheets, workbooks, e-books, checklists and trackers. Printables are extremely popular and are useful in just about every niche.

Here at plrprintbox.com we will be providing you with PLR templates to simplify and speed up your printable product creation. PLR stands for Private Label Rights products. Private Label Rights allow you to do pretty much anything with the templates (except resell the templates or claim copyright). You can create products using the templates and sell them as your own or give them away. You can also add your branding to the templates. Or just keep the template as is and sell it as designed. You would just need to convert it to a non-editable file format such as pdf or jpeg. This can easily be done in Canva, you would simply download it as a pdf or jpeg document. All of our templates can be edited in the free version of Canva, a freemium graphic design platform that is perfect for non-designers. If you do not already have a Canva account you may sign up for one at (canva.com).

Our PLR templates enable anyone to create professional looking printables. You do not need any design skills or artistic talent in order to create printable products using our templates. You can sell our DFY (Done For You) products as is but we advise making a few changes to the template in order to make your product unique like changing the font, colors and adding graphics. Using our PLR templates you can take as little as one (1) hour, or less, to create a printable digital product. You may also use the template over and over to create different products and repurpose the product for different audiences.

We will in the near future, also be providing commercial use graphics that you can use to create your printable products.

Go ahead and give printable product creation a try using our free goal setting planner templates.

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